Thursday, September 14, 2006

This is a real email I received today from MsAnnoying. Unedited on my part. Just wanted y'all to see how charming she is.

Hello All,
The reason I started putting my pan away was because I wanted to use it one morning and it was sitting on the hot plate with dirty water and what appeared to be stuck on Ravioli. Now I have been putting it away and people are still taking it out and using it and this morning when I went to use it I had to clean off stuck on food on it again so since People can't take the hint that I don't want them using it I will just start transporting it to and from work.
Thanks (MsAnnoying)

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

TheManager (it took me so much self control to not call him a stupid jackass) just left the plant to go take care of a customer complaint in Pennsylvania and that... that... man did not even let me know of his departure. I will tell you again. He is my manager. Managers should let their employees know when they will be absent from the plant (or State!) for three days. Plans, anyone? Courtesy? Responsibility?
He does that crap all of the time. He will leave for the day early without letting anyone in the lab, let alone the plant, know that he is gone. In a business where borderline questionable shipments must get Quality Control's approval, and the QC Manager is the person to make the call, it is not cool for TheManager to disappear without anyone that works for him to be left in the dark on his whereabouts.
I will divulge a lab secret. He does this all the time and when he leaves my specific product line hanging, I will usually just give my decision and if he disagrees with whatever I decide, the first thing out of my mouth is "Ummm, TheManager, you weren't here. You didn't even let me know you would be out, so I used my Acting Manager authority." Now imagine that being said in the voice of a disgruntled fast food burger flipper. (By the way, I do not have Acting Manager authority).

Uggghh. He disgusts me.

Monday, August 28, 2006

On the legs of my last post, GayGay, just asked me if I knew that the charges against John Mark Karr were dropped ( While discussing JMK's general lunacy, he lets out this gem
"...he looks kinda feminine to me. He's got a narrow face. Great skin, pretty eyes..."
I had to pretend to go use the bathroom to go giggle for a few minutes. Kinda feminine like you, GayGay? Or don't you consider the hot pink running shorts you have feminine?
I'm trying to ignore the fact that he just gave a complement to a lunatic who lived in Bangkok (a place notorious for their child sex slave industry) and is probably making up this story about JonBenet to garner attention to himself. Instead, I'll imagine what GayGay would look like if he had gender reassignment surgery.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

While MsAnnoying continues to tell everyone who crosses her path about her daughter being pregnant and what a shame it is since her doctor told her to wait six months before conceiving again and she did not, I will not venture that way today. I’m introducing Mr. Gay White Male aka GayGay. GayGay isn’t as outgoing as some of my other co-workers, but he is still just as full of character.
If I had to describe that way GayGay looks, I would have to say that this dear man is a dead ringer…

…Except that GayGay dresses nowhere as...conventional. Before the company cracked down on our dress code, GayGay would frequently wear fluorescent pink running shorts akin to these…

...maybe about 3 inches shorter though. And would never be seen without his ½ inch hoop earrings. Martin Mull has the same haircut, the same style glasses and the same tone of voice as when he played Leon on “Roseanne” (oddly enough as a gay man) as GayGay.

GayGay isn’t what one would call a flamer, but he certainly has some flamboyant tendancies. For example
1. In an email written a few years ago, he closed his message out by saying “All Hail Queen (GayGay)”
2. When I offered him a piece of cake one day, he declined saying he must “watch (his) girlish figure.”
3. One day when I asked if he cooks or if his partner does, he told me “The Wife does.” ‘The Wife’ is a man by the way, (in case you haven’t been paying attention).

GayGay’s partner is a barber and has subscriptions to all kinds of magazines. GayGay used to bring in Vibe, The Source and Ebony to work all the time. His partner is white, just like Mr. Gay White Male, but he is probably 60 something. He also brings in, reads and leaves on his desk, The Advocate and Out. If you don't know what these two mags are, then I suggest you google them.
In a very confusing incident, GayGay was reading a Playboy magazine and as I passed by him and glanced over his shoulder, I saw…well, what you would expect to see in a Playboy. Still to this day I am confused.

Friday, August 18, 2006

MsAnnoying strikes again

MsAnnoying just told me that her daughter, who just four months ago gave birth to a MiniAnnoying, is AGAIN pregnant. The baby is actually due on the same day as MiniAnnoying. How charming!
There are many reasons that is hilarious to me.
1. MsAnnoying has always tried to paint her daughter as such an angel. Angels don't get pregnant twice in a year's span.
2. My count of the people she's told about the pregnancy is now up to 23. People that work on the manufacturing floor can't come in the lab to request a test without being bombarded with "Guess who's having their 2nd grandbaby!" Privacy, anyone?
3. TheDaughter and her husband aren't thrilled. Hee.
4. MsAnnoying said that she asked her daughter weren't they using protection and TheDaughter says, "Yes, we were using spermicide..." Spermicide? SPERMICIDE?! According to

"Spermicide alone is one of the less effective forms of contraception against pregnancy."

So look ahere, Honey, ditch the spermicide plan next time you are trying to NOT get knocked up...

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

More fun with SCWW

I keep going back on my word. I said in my first post that I would tell more about my other co-workers, but right now I want to concentrate on SCWW while introducing you to the another prominent character in the Quality Control Lab character base.

The Crazy Everybody Hates Her Middle Aged (Used to be fat but had gastric bypass surgery) White Woman (from now on, MsAnnoying) has had run ins with virtually every employee in the plant. She is a fiftysomething, OVERGROWN child. If something does not go the way the MsAnnoying wants it to go, she will
a. Throw a hissy fit
b. Go a tattlin'
c. Manipulate the hell out of any and everyone
to get what she wants. We refer to her as a big bully. Trust me when I say that you will get A LOT more in future posts about the glimpse of hell given to me by MsAnnoying, but it's safe to say that she does not target me anymore, I am now merely a witness to her madness.

While I acknowledge the pockets of OCD that I exhibit; compulsive neatness in 'my' areas, demanding, pompous organizing of test/test results that I manipulate, irritation at others' disorganization, and obsessively keeping any body part of mine out of contact with ANY surface in a public bathroom, I realized that everybody does not care about my concerns. (Sidenote; they should.) MsAnnoying does not see how her concerns should stop the presses. Like I said in my first post, SCWW is a slob. She is messy and inconsiderate of where she puts both things that she wants and things she wants to discard. This grates MsAnnoying. Grates her to the point she writes plant wide emails detailing her exasperation with SCWW and plots DAILY to get management attention on SCWW's mistake and shortcomings.

A recent situation between MsAnnoying and SCWW involves SCWW screwing up entries in one of our databases and MsAnnoying not being able to follow up her work. I came into work over a weekend and MsAnnoying couldn't wait 6 seconds before she was telling me all of SCWW's screw ups. She ended her tirade with, "I can't wait till TheManager fires her!" Mmmkay, now...

Rewind to March of this year when MsAnnoying's only daughter births a MiniAnnoying (to-be, I'm sure). She is named Alice Christine. Compare this to SCWW's birthname of Alicia Christianne.*

I was so observant and kind enough to notice the similarities in their names and brought it to MsAnnoying's attention. Well, I knew what I was doing, and it had nothing to do with being kind.
Cue the cartoon where the man turns beet red and little squiggly heat lines start radiating away from his head while a teapot whistle is heard. Really. She turned red. She managed to stammer out something like, "Well...I don't care too much for the name...but...I think, I'm just going to call her Grannie's Little Cherub." Poor thing. Imagine being called in for dinner while playing with the neighborhood kids by "Grannie's Little Cherub...time to come in! Dinner's Ready!"

Well, I just like that story because it reminds me of two things. First, in about 20+ years when I am becoming a grandmother to check my grandchild's name with my list of enemies that I've been gathering and second, that MsAnnoying can morph into a cartoon-like character before my eyes with the right choice of words. Voila. Instant entertainment.

*These are not their real names, are you serious?!?! They will NOT be suing me…

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Yesterday I wrote an introduction into the people I work with and in particular, SCWW, today, I write about no one. I had a crappy day. My roofer got on my nerves, my daughter wouldn't cooperate and I argued with my boyfriend all before 8:30am! Work was blah and I had my annual physical. So I'm in no mood to be witty about the miscreants I work with.
I'll try again tomorrow.