Tuesday, August 22, 2006

While MsAnnoying continues to tell everyone who crosses her path about her daughter being pregnant and what a shame it is since her doctor told her to wait six months before conceiving again and she did not, I will not venture that way today. I’m introducing Mr. Gay White Male aka GayGay. GayGay isn’t as outgoing as some of my other co-workers, but he is still just as full of character.
If I had to describe that way GayGay looks, I would have to say that this dear man is a dead ringer…

…Except that GayGay dresses nowhere as...conventional. Before the company cracked down on our dress code, GayGay would frequently wear fluorescent pink running shorts akin to these…

...maybe about 3 inches shorter though. And would never be seen without his ½ inch hoop earrings. Martin Mull has the same haircut, the same style glasses and the same tone of voice as when he played Leon on “Roseanne” (oddly enough as a gay man) as GayGay.

GayGay isn’t what one would call a flamer, but he certainly has some flamboyant tendancies. For example
1. In an email written a few years ago, he closed his message out by saying “All Hail Queen (GayGay)”
2. When I offered him a piece of cake one day, he declined saying he must “watch (his) girlish figure.”
3. One day when I asked if he cooks or if his partner does, he told me “The Wife does.” ‘The Wife’ is a man by the way, (in case you haven’t been paying attention).

GayGay’s partner is a barber and has subscriptions to all kinds of magazines. GayGay used to bring in Vibe, The Source and Ebony to work all the time. His partner is white, just like Mr. Gay White Male, but he is probably 60 something. He also brings in, reads and leaves on his desk, The Advocate and Out. If you don't know what these two mags are, then I suggest you google them.
In a very confusing incident, GayGay was reading a Playboy magazine and as I passed by him and glanced over his shoulder, I saw…well, what you would expect to see in a Playboy. Still to this day I am confused.


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