Monday, August 28, 2006

On the legs of my last post, GayGay, just asked me if I knew that the charges against John Mark Karr were dropped ( While discussing JMK's general lunacy, he lets out this gem
"...he looks kinda feminine to me. He's got a narrow face. Great skin, pretty eyes..."
I had to pretend to go use the bathroom to go giggle for a few minutes. Kinda feminine like you, GayGay? Or don't you consider the hot pink running shorts you have feminine?
I'm trying to ignore the fact that he just gave a complement to a lunatic who lived in Bangkok (a place notorious for their child sex slave industry) and is probably making up this story about JonBenet to garner attention to himself. Instead, I'll imagine what GayGay would look like if he had gender reassignment surgery.


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