Tuesday, August 29, 2006

TheManager (it took me so much self control to not call him a stupid jackass) just left the plant to go take care of a customer complaint in Pennsylvania and that... that... man did not even let me know of his departure. I will tell you again. He is my manager. Managers should let their employees know when they will be absent from the plant (or State!) for three days. Plans, anyone? Courtesy? Responsibility?
He does that crap all of the time. He will leave for the day early without letting anyone in the lab, let alone the plant, know that he is gone. In a business where borderline questionable shipments must get Quality Control's approval, and the QC Manager is the person to make the call, it is not cool for TheManager to disappear without anyone that works for him to be left in the dark on his whereabouts.
I will divulge a lab secret. He does this all the time and when he leaves my specific product line hanging, I will usually just give my decision and if he disagrees with whatever I decide, the first thing out of my mouth is "Ummm, TheManager, you weren't here. You didn't even let me know you would be out, so I used my Acting Manager authority." Now imagine that being said in the voice of a disgruntled fast food burger flipper. (By the way, I do not have Acting Manager authority).

Uggghh. He disgusts me.


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